Installing a Hot Water Heater inside the home
Can I install a Hot Water Heater inside?
One of the questions we get asked when quoting for a new hot water system is “Can I install a hot water heater inside”?
Hot water heaters are best installed outside for safety to both the person & the home.
A hot water heater boils at approx. 75 degrees which can inflict serious burns if it comes in contact with the skin.
If you have a hot water heater that has failed & it is installed inside the home, possibly in a cupboard, garage or laundry, then your plumber may suggest it be relocated to the outside of the home.
More information about relocating your hot water system on this link Relocating Hot Water Heater
In a limited number of cases the hot water heater CANNOT be relocated to the outside of the home, unit or work place. If your hot water cannot be relocated, and your new hot water system is installed inside the home, then your plumber can add a burst protection valve called a Mildred Valve on the new hot water heater when re installed inside the home, unit or work place.
This valve is connected to a battery-operated sensor that alarms if the hot water heater burst or leaks.
This burst protection valve is maintenance free for the first 12 months, then the batteries will need to be replaced or if you notice that the trouble light is on, then you can troubleshoot, or contact your plumber for advice.
You will know if the water heater is leaking as the device has an alarm similar to a smoke detector alarm which sounds when in contact with water. The alarm also activates when the battery needs replacing.
By installing a burst protection valve to your hot water system that is installed inside, you will be protecting yourself from the inconvenient & costly flood should your hot water heater burst, leak or fail.
It is also law to have this valve installed on hot water heaters inside.
Installing a new hot water heater inside the home will also require a safe tray to be installed to prevent any water running through the home which may cause water ingress damage.
How much does this valve cost?
Price will vary depending on your situation & location. We recommend you contact your local plumber for a quote over the phone. Your plumber may request some photos of your hot water system be sent to him.
Remember to always use a licenced plumber when installing a hot water heater. This is your protection for not only the warranty of the new hot water heater but the safety of your home & family.
In Queensland Australia it is compulsory to submit a form 4 to the QBCC once a new hot water heater has been installed.
It is best to check that your plumber is submitting a form 4, as you may be asked this information by the manufacturer of the hot water heater, should you have a warranty claim.
All hot water heaters installed by Moyle Plumbing & Gasfitting are done in compliance with Standards AS/NZS 3500.4, AS/NZS 3000 and all local codes and regulatory authority requirements.
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Related Blogs
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See ‘Relocating your hot water heater’
Hot Water Heater installed inside
Hot Water Heater Installed inside a cupboard
Inside the home with all the correct valves, including a Mildred valve, safe tray & overflow run to outside of the home.